

The 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 金环奖 honor individual excellence within Chicago's commercial real estate community in six categories. Award nominations must be 提交ted online to 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 by 5 PM on 11月1日星期五.

Before completing, please review the Gold Circle guidelines to understand nomination requirements.


The links are listed below for individual online nomination forms.


August 26 - November 1
Gold Circle Award online nomination period

Written nomination submission forms reviewed by judges and three finalists selected within each award category

12月9日- 20日 
All nominees will be informed of panel outcomes and interviews will be conducted with all award finalists

Gold Circle winners determined

奖 are presented at TOBY 金环奖 Gala


To 参与 in the 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 金环奖, nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • Individual applicants must be nominated. Self-nominating entries will not be accepted. 
  • All nominees must be employed in a 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 member building or affiliate company. 
  • All candidates must have at least five years of experience in commercial real estate, with the exception of the Emerging Leader of the Year. 
  • Nominees for the Emerging Leader of the Year are limited to building members with at least three and not more than five of experience in the commercial real estate industry. 
  • Nominees must complete and 提交 all nomination materials as indicated on the nomination forms. 
  • One nomination per category will be allowed from each Commercial Real Estate Company for Property Management, 建筑工程师, Security Professional and Emerging Leader. 
  • For the Janitorial Professional of the Year award, each Commercial Real Estate Company may 提交 one nomination for each of their contractual janitorial companies. 
  • 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 Building and Affiliate Members may each 提交 one nomination for the Affiliate of the Year Award. 
  • Nominee finalists will 需要 to 参与 in an in-person interview with select members of the Gold Circle Panel (Note: please allow 30-45 minutes to complete the interview). 
  • Nominees are not eligible to serve on the Gold Circle Panel in the year of nomination. Past winners are encouraged to apply to serve on the Gold Circle Panel. 
  • Winners will not be eligible to re提交 for a minimum of two years following their recognition; for example, a 2022 winner could reapply for the 2025 awards.  Winners are announced at the TOBY/金环奖 Gala, usually held in January 或2月 每年的. 

Award Selection Committee

The award selection committee, referred to as the “Gold Circle Panel,” is comprised of one or two representatives each from the fifteen to twenty management companies that have the most 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 members, and includes one 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 Board member. The panel will evaluate each nomination submission to determine the top finalists in each category, 面试入围, and select award winners for each category.



The Gold Circle Panel will review nominations and score each based on the predetermined criteria for the category. Panelists for each category will be selected to avoid conflicts of interest because of company or building affiliations. No category may have more than one panelist representing the same company. The scores will be tallied by 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 staff and counted toward the final scores. 


博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 staff will arrange an in-person interview for each nominee with at least three members of the Gold Circle Panel. Panelists for each category will be selected to avoid conflicts of interest because of company or building affiliations. No category may have more than one panelist representing the same company.  

If there are more than three nominees in a category, the panel for that category may choose to limit interviews to the top three finalists, as determined by the nomination scores.  

The panelists will score each interview based on the predetermined criteria. After all interviews have been completed, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 staff will add the interview scores to each nominee’s tally and determine the winners in each category. 


审查 frequently asked questions about the 金环奖.

Additional Information

For additional information, contact Caitlin Wright, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台's Marketing and 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 Manager at cwright@prisew.com.

查看 Gold Circle Award winners 多年来.